#CherWears – Making 90’s Fashion Dreams A Reality

Anyone who watched the 90’s classic film ‘Clueless’ will have wanted a computerised wardrobe to help pick out their outfit for the day – without the hassle of trying on every item in said wardrobe. Check out the video if you need a reminder…

It’s been attempted many times, but Metail seem to have created the perfect algorithm, and software, for making these dreams a reality. To prove it they created an homage to the film to celebrate it’s 20th anniversary with the great website #CherWears.


Here you can pick your favourite characters clothes and try on all the outfits, not only that but they have sourced all the clothes from online retailers such as ASOS, BooHoo and Topshop, so if you like what you see you can actually buy the outfit for yourself. Genius!

To make your MeModel represent your shape all you need to enter are 3 measurements – your height, weight and bra size. You can then personalise it slightly by picking a face/hairstyle to suit, and can even toggle between hair up and hair down as you wish.

Then have fun adding layers of clothes to your model 🙂

cher wears screenshot
Metail say that their Machine Learning Algorithm is constantly learning

Our intelligent algorithm led fashion bots continually learn over time. Giving accurate and personalised size and style advice.

I expect this will get rolled out by a lot of online retailers sooner rather than later going by the results Metail have posted on their website, and if you’re like me and hate trying on clothes in shops, this is a brand new lazier way to get a new outfit in 2017!

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